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Gaelic Crests-Ireland
Viewing: GAELIC CRESTS-IRELAND > T-U-VGo up a folder level
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Taaffe (Louth and Sligo) Tabuteau (Tullamore) Tait ( Limerick) Talbot (Dublin 1610) Talbot (Earl of Shrewsbury) Tallis (1644) Tanner (Bishop of Derry)
Tarpey (Dublin) Tate ( Drogheda) Taylor (Meath) Taylour (Marquess of Headfort) Thacker (1644) Thompson (1645) Thornhill (Cork)
Thornton (Cavan) Thunder (Meath) Tichborne (Baron Ferrard) Tickell (Reg. Ulster`s Office) Tierney or O'Tierney Tilson (1697 Dublin) Tipping (Louth)
Tisdall (Meath) Tobin (Tipperary) Tod (Reg. Ulster`s Office) Tonson (Cork) Toole or O'Toole (Kildare) Toomey or 'Towmey Tottenham (Wexford)
Touchet (Earl of Castlehaven) Towers (Meath) Townsend (Cork) Trant (Queen`s co) Travers (1647) Trayle or Traill (Antrim) Trehy or Troy
Trench (Earl of Clancarty) Trotter (Galway) Trydell (Cork) Tucker (Dublin) Tuite Tully (MacAtilla) Turell (Wicklow)
Turner (Dublin) Turnour (Earl Winterton) Tyler (Derry) Tynte (Leitrim) Tyrrell (Westmeath) Tyrry (Cork) Underwood (Duchess of Inverness)
Uniacke (confirmed by Betham, Ulster) Upton (Louth) Usher (Waterford) Vance (Tyrone) Vandeleur (Clare) Vane (Viscount Vane) Vaughan (Earl of Lisburne0
venables or Venable Verner (Armagh) Vernon (Dublin) Vesey (Viscount De Vesci) Vian (1597) Vigors (Carlow) Villiers (Earl of Grandison)
Vyne (Reg

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