Armorial Gold Image Catalog

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The Gold Collection
Viewing: The Gold Collection > HUMAN > MOORSGo up a folder level
Check for a page selector below the images, many of these have more than one page.
Demi Moor 4 Demi Moor Shooting Arrow from Bow Moor 1 Heads (3) Conjoined Moor 10 Erased and Wreathed Moor 11 with Banderole Moor 12 with Banderole (Erased) Moor 13 Head Affrontee
Moor 14 Head Affrontee 2 Moor 15 Head Affrontee-Erased Moor 15 Head Affrontee-Erased 2 Moor 16 Holding TMP (Demi) Moor 17 Holding TMP (Demi) 2 Moor 18 Holding TMP (Demi) 3 Moor 19
Moor 2 Couped Moor 20 Moor 21 Moor 21 Bust Moor 22 Moor 23 Moor 24
Moor 25 Moor 26 Moor 27 Moor 28 Bust Affrontee Moor 29 Moor 3 Erased Moor 30 Civic Crowned
Moor 31 Moor 32 Moor 33 Moor 4 Couped Moor 5 Erased Moor 6 Distilling Blood Moor 7 Couped and Wreathed
Moor 8 Erased and Wreathed Moor 9 Couped and Wreathed

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Our Heraldry Art is hand drawn in vector format by our graphic artists. Heraldic art samples are provided as a courtesy to potential buyers and the heraldry samples remain the property of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Reproduction in any form other than in the manner stipulated in the Armorial Gold Heraldry Services license agreement or FAQ section or by special arrangement is strictly prohibited.

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